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You understand networking is important. It’s why you love opportunities to meet new connections.

Going to events is great but requires time and effort. And it’s easy to end up having multiple, unsatisfactory conversations. Meaning high investment to attend, but with a low return.

Hands up for more productive networking conversations?

(Net)working from
Times have changed. Networking doesn’t have to be tied to specific times and locations. What about regular introductions to helpful connections when it suits you?

Events can be good. LinkedIn works. But it’s not the only way.

Bring something new to your networking efforts: regular, super simple opportunities for 1.1 chats with people there for the same reason as you.

Choose your
conversation objective

For instance: learn new things, chat about the market, get feedback

Receive your
email introduction

Matched with a fellow member according to your objectives

Enjoy your scheduled chat

Find out about each other and see where it leads!

See what they’re saying:
Simplicity is the secret. Unlock enjoyable conversations with people you wouldn’t normally meet. Our users (we call them hoppers) tell us amazing things happen when you smile, share, and see where the conversation leads.

My first experience of hophop exceeded my expectations of what I had assumed you could get out of a networking chat. I had a very meaningful conversation around both professional and personal development and related over many of these aspects despite the differences in our seniority and experience levels.


I like hophop chats because I can talk to interesting people who I would otherwise not meet, at a mutually convenient time, in the knowledge that the other person is also motivated to have a nice chat without the pressure of the ‘hard sell’.

Gerald Eve

I like hophop chats because I get to meet new connections on a one-to-one basis in a hassle-free and friendly environment.

Waterman Group

Hophop has been such a great way to meet new people in the industry and build meaningful connections with people that I may otherwise not get the chance to meet. It has even created a snowball effect – my colleague introduced me to someone she’d had a great conversation with on hophop. That suddenly turned into a coffee, which turned into a larger team networking breakfast, which turned into an even larger women in property event – all because of one conversation on hophop!

Gerald Eve

I really like the simplicity and light touch-ness of hophop. The ease of opting in or out, and how it nominates someone to take the lead in organising really help smooth the process of being connected to someone you don’t know.


I like hophop chats as they connect you to someone new that you wouldn’t necessarily ordinarily meet. They are really informal, friendly chats – not intimidating at all like trying to network at a big event where you don’t know anyone. They’re really easy to arrange, only take half an hour out of your week and are virtual. I’ve met some really lovely, interesting people, one of whom I’ve already met up with in person and know I could contact anyone of them again if I needed some advice.

Pinsent Masons

It goes like this

Owners of professional communities and groups get us to provide hophop for their members.

Take advantage! If your organisation offers hophop, ask them for your invite. If you’re unsure, tell us and we’ll help.

Or do you know a community, group or organisation who should offer hophop? Please let us know and we'll get in touch with them.

Like we said, simple.

Chat to us. We’d love to help.

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Let’s start chatting

You’ll have questions. We’ll answer them. Let’s see where it leads!

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